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A question from Peter/ fN

Skrivet av Peter, communityansvarig fN
I guess most of you posting in this forum are native English speakers, so I would like to take this opportunity to ask (those of you who also know Swedish) you how you would translate "communityansvarig" and "föräldranätet" into English ?

Really looking forward to to your input !

Svar på tråden: A question from Peter/ fN


Skrivet av  Liz
I haven"t actually used this forum before, but it looks interesting!
How about "community manager"? And "Parent Network" (or "Parents" Network") or "Parents" Web" ??

Hi Peter

Skrivet av  PappaRic
First let me give you and the others at FöräldraNätet a hearty thanks for the service you provide. I visit your site often because of the open discussion forum and the relative scarcity of "nut cases" who seem to populate and infest many, if not most, of the parent discussion groups in English. It is a real pleasure to discuss and argue and listen to points of view that reflect well balanced thought and forethought.

As to your translations, you and your fellow "communityansvarig" might be called "discussion moderator" or "community arbitrator". "Parent"s Network" or "Parent Net" come to mind first for FöräldraNätet. A good number of groups in English are called "Parenting Discussion Group(s)" on the net but seldom offer the range of topics or discussions that your group does.

Keep up the good work

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